
Mindfulness Works offers a variety of classes, workshops, and other programs. Each is designed to provide unique tools for establishing and deepening mindfulness and self-compassion.

Our classes provide guided practice in a small group setting, our workplace programs are custom tailored to your organization, and our individual coaching brings greater mindfulness to every aspect of your life.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

MBSR is an 8-week experiential program that teaches mindfulness meditation for increasing present-moment awareness and cultivating greater acceptance, clarity, and peace of mind.

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Mindful Self-Compassion

MSC combines mindfulness and self-compassion to provide powerful tools for emotional resilience. This course has been offered internationally for several years and has been enormously popular.

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We provide one-on-one coaching, in person or online, for establishing or deepening your mindfulness and self-compassion practices and responding to difficulties and questions.

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Mindful Leadership & Employee Programs

Our classes, workshops and coaching are custom tailored to meet the needs of your organization or company and improve both employee wellbeing, creativity and productivity.

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